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My Story

My name is Breanne, I offer services that help balance the mind, body soul and don't forget about your environment!

I am trained and Certified ​Classical Flying Star Feng Shui Consultant. (Xuan Kong)


There can be an overwhelming amount of misinformation online and in books pertaining to Feng Shui. By understanding real classical Feng Shui ​principals, my goal is to share my knowledge and ​help empower people to create spaces that ​support their overall well-being and foster a ​harmonious and balanced environment.


My love for Reiki and energy healing has deeply grown over the years and I am a level 3 Reiki Practitioner, as well as a QHHT Intern.  


I am committed to assisting my clients with healing any imbalances, blockages or ​areas of concern.

Throughout the practice of healing I harness the universal life ​force energy to promote relaxation and overall well-being.


Are you ready to transform and bring balance and harmony into your reality?

"Every moment matters"

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